

Web-Ed is always improving.

We have been building and improving this system for nearly 15 years. It has a long history of upgrades, revisions, improvements, and features. It is designed to focus on the "user", but we recognize the importance of the the "administrator's" experience, as well. Below are some of the most recent news about the systems.

Web-Ed launches new website and "Universal Log-In" page.

TMS: (March 2018) Web-Ed systems has updated its website to the modern standard. "The website now reflects the 'mobile-friendly' layout that exemplifies the user-friendly systems we publish," said Burt Yale, Managing Partner of Web-Ed systems. In addition to the 'mobile-friendly' layout, the new Universal User Log-In page enables all clients to use the same "front door". Many of Web-Ed's clients register unique domains that are "pointed" to the Universal Log-In page. That way, each client can customize their access.

Burt Yale